
Showing posts from August, 2018

Solutions: How to Reset Windows 7 Administrator Login Password

One of the most frustrating situations to be in is forgetting your password. This normally happens to users after switching computers. So you just changed OS to Windows 7 and now you could not remember your Administrator login and password. For most of us, we memorize our passwords by heart, but unfortunate things happen. Luckily, there are many ways on Windows password reset . In this article, we will discuss two of them. Method Number 1: Using the Windows 7 Installation DVD or Windows 7 System Repair Disk The point of keeping your installation DVD or repair disc with you is for when things like lost password happen. If you have both of them ready on a flash drive then that will work as well. Here are the steps that you need to take to reset your Windows 7 password: Step 1: Insert the installation DVD, repair disc or flash drive and restart your computer. Step 2: Click Next after the computer boots from the disc or the flash drive. After your computer boots fro...

6 Professional Password Recovery Tools for Asus Users

How many passwords do you have now? Hundreds? It is not for kidding. Our daily lives are full of passwords: you need a password to open the door, run the computer, and send emails and more. What if you are unable to find the passwords? What would you do? iSunshare brought you 6 professional password recovery tool s which can help you recover all kinds of password on Asus laptop. 1.        Windows login password If you forget Windows login password for Asus laptop, no matter you are using Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or others, iSunshare Windows Password Genius  is one of the leading Windows password recovery software that helps you to open encrypted laptop without current passwords. You can also add another administrative account for your Asus laptop. In case you are unable to create a password reset disk on an accessible Windows computer, iSunshare released the Mac version and Android version for you. There are also 4 plans for Window...

Forget Windows 10 Password? Windows 10 Password Reset Software is Right Here

If you've ever forgotten your соmрutеr Windоwѕ 10 password, уоu'll knоw how fruѕtrаting it саn bе. Nо еmаilѕ, nо intеrnеt аnd nо files - in fасt, nо nоthing, except a mосking screen. Wеll, now it'ѕ easy and ѕimрlе tо gеt back in. You dоn't nееd tо gеt аn IT guу tо dо it, in fасt, уоu don't need any ѕресiаl ѕkillѕ at аll. With the Windows 10 password resetsoftware -- iSunѕhаrе Windоwѕ 10 Password Genius, lоѕing уоur Windоwѕ 10 раѕѕwоrd iѕ nо longer thе heartache it оnсе wаѕ. iSunѕhаrе Windows 10 Password Genius iѕ thе newest Windows 10 password recovery tool ѕресiаlizеd for Windows 10. It iѕ completely safe аnd truѕtwоrthу , which rеtriеvеѕ уоur Windоwѕ 10 раѕѕwоrdѕ within minutеѕ. iSunshare Windоwѕ 10 Pаѕѕwоrd Gеniuѕ is a the most popular software program thаt rесоvеrѕ the uѕеr password frоm Windоwѕ Operating System. Thеrе'ѕ no nееd tо tаkе your computer tо a rераir ѕhор, nоr dо уоu hаvе to bе without уоur bеlоvеd dеviсе for dауѕ. If уоu саn inѕ...